(+256) 752 403961 info@acaciaschool.org Calendar: 2024-25 |

Our Parents
At Acacia, parents are an integral part of our community. We realize that Engaged Parents = Successful Students, and as we inspire and educate servant leaders for Christ, we do it in partnership with our parents.
Acacia Parents Council​
The Acacia Parent Council APC - previously called the PTA - is the voice of the parents at Acacia and all parents are welcome to participate. To learn more about the APC's leadership aims and meetings, Contact parentcouncil@acaciaschool.org for more details.
Parents in Prayer​
Every Friday at 8 am at the Junior School reception area, parents
gather to pray for the school, students and staff.
You're all welcome to join.
A weekly newsletter from the school should be sent to parents via email and Whatsapp. If you aren't receiving these, kindly ask reception.
Downloads for Parents​